buying a home? get the answers to your questions

Don't Mention These 3 Things While Buying a Home

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Buying a house is a complicated and challenging process, especially for first-time buyers. It’s easy to make a mistake and derail your purchase process. With that in mind, here are a few things you should never mention if you don’t want to shoot yourself in the foot while shopping for property: The Real Amount You Are Willing to Spend Negotiating a property price is just like any other form of negotiation: reveal your hand, and you are out of the game. Read More»

Why You Shouldn't Ignore that Old House on Sale

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People are attracted to new things, which is why homeowners automatically assume that they are better off looking at new houses.  However, old houses also have a lot of things to offer. In fact, there are some cases where you will be “forced” to buy an old house since it will have what you need exactly. Here are a few examples of such cases: It’s Your Chance to Get a Customized House Read More»

What Is In Your Home Inspection Report?

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Even if you are new to buying a home, you know that the home inspection is an important part of the process. The inspection is a chance for you to learn more about the home’s structure so that you can decide whether or not you want to continue with the purchase. Some homebuyers are not quite clear on what the inspection includes, though. If you are buying a home, here is what you need to know about the inspection. Read More»

3 Reasons To Buy A Home Instead Of Building One

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If you are thinking about investing in a home, you might be thinking about designing and building your dream home. Even though this can be an appealing choice and works out well for some people, it might not be the ideal option for you. These are a few reasons why you might want to consider buying a home rather than building one. 1. Move Into Your Home More Quickly There are many reasons why you might want to move into your home quickly. Read More»

Choosing a Home Buying Price Point Isn't So Simple

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If you read advice online, you may hear of certain wisdom such as to buy property that’s 2.5 times (or even 5 times) your current salary. But it often can’t be boiled down to a simple multiplier. Here are some factors that could increase or decrease the amount that it’s safe to spend on your first home. Having a Lot of Career Mobility The first thing that can change the amount you spend (and skew it towards a higher price) is knowing that you or your partner has a lot of upward mobility within their company or career track. Read More»